About the adventure:
“Wrath of the Sea Lich” is a reimagining of their hit series, “Oculus of Senrahbah” originally created for 5e. Luke and Matt enlisted the help of notable designer Sersa Victory to reengineer the scenario for the critically acclaimed Shadowdark system. Together, they have remastered the entire series, the encounters are rebalanced, and the entire work is reformatted to fit the Old School aesthetic of Shadowdark.
In “Wrath of the Sea Lich”, the party sets out to recover the Eye of Chentoufi, an ancient artifact sought by a local treasure hunter. Unknown to all, the artifact is sought by the ancient Ydrissid lich, Ireshkigal, who has been dormant for thousands of years in her watery fortress. As the characters venture across the city, they eventually find their way to a submerged ruins and encounter remnants of a forgotten age. As they begin to understand the implications of Ireshkigal’s return, the sense of urgency to find the artifact mounts. The lich’s revival could bring serious consequences to the world, and the party must decide whether to use the power of the Oculus or find a way to destroy it.
Be immersed in a thrilling and action-packed adventure in the World of Okkorim™. Throughout the “Wrath of the Sea Lich” adventure the balance of Chentoufi hangs in the balance as the city faces numerous trials. The quest to recover the ancient artifact, the Oculus of Senrahbah, becomes increasingly urgent as rival factions vie for its power, natural elements threaten the land, and mysterious events unfold. The fate of Chentoufi and its people depends on the adventurers’ ability to track down the Oculus and reclaim it from those who would wield it for evil, restoring harmony to the troubled city.