After a disaster make your donations count
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Crowd Funding Insights
Confirm the number before you text to donate. If you’re asked to donate by text, call the number on the charity’s website and confirm the number to donate by text is correct.
The Caley Jags have just days left to more than double the current total raised and get to their £200,000 target.
Here are the most common reasons people are denied assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency – and the next steps you can take.
In a new, large comprehensive analysis led by the American Cancer Society (ACS), researchers, using a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), found that more than one-third of fundraising stories on the …
A new estimate of the damage caused by Hurricane Helene puts losses in the U.S. private insurance market at between $8 billion and $14 billion, according to Moody’s RMS Event Response.
D3 Integration & Testing Innovative Space-Tech Company Seeks Support from Public Investors for Cutting-Edge Satellite Deorbiting Techno …
Check out our weekly list of new fundraisers from Lend A Hand Up, a nonprofit crowdfunding site supporting families in Cass, Clay and Becker Counties burdened by health issues and other trauma.
Pressman Film — the company behind American Psycho, The Crow, Wall Street, and Conan the Barbarian — turns to crowdfunding. Sam Pressman explains.
As the flood waters begin to recede, as communication starts to flow again, and we begin to hear stories between western NC communities about the devastation, my heart is split wide open by the loss, …
Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC (ICTFC) has proposed setting up a Crowdfunding page to raise £200,000 in two weeks to avoid being placed in administration this month. The 2015 Scottish Cup-winning …