What will happen in America if Joe Biden wins a second term in office beginning this November? In my previous article, I forecast the general trend of the country short-term, i.e., over the next four years. That’s not really difficult; all one must do is look at Biden’s first term. He isn’t going to change. A victory in November will only inspire him to perhaps even accelerate the metamorphosis of America that he and the Democrats seem so determined to accomplish. Economically, morally, in foreign affairs—there is no sunshine on the horizon for the United States if Biden is victorious this year, especially if America gives him one or both houses of Congress.
But what will the long-term consequences be? This is obviously more problematic to predict, but I will try to use my powers as a historian to reach some conclusions. Fortunately, I will probably be dead before most of the below happens, so I won’t be hearing anyone laugh at me if I’m wrong.
The first thing that will happen—provided the country survives to another Presidential election—is that the Republican faithful will again be hoping that 2028 will be their year. We can’t nominate Donald Trump again. Ron DeSantis will likely be the Republican nominee for President. His chances for victory will depend, not on the continued incompetence of Biden (if he makes it four more years, of Kamala Harris if he doesn’t) or even the persistent decline of the country. DeSantis’s chances will rest on how successful Democrats are in making voters of the countless millions of illegals they’ve allowed into the country. Turning even a few of the red states blue will doom the Republicans in national elections, maybe forever. That’s the Democrats’ plan, of course. The Republicans’ hopes for the Presidency in 2028 depend upon winning in 2024.
At some point, and I have no idea when this will be, but even some of us old-timers might live to see it, decent Americans will finally get fed up and decide to secede from the garbage country created by the Democrats—IF there are enough “decent Americans” left. Reader, how old are you? I’m almost 70. I don’t have too many more years left in this veil of tears. What’s going to happen when we, the old-guard, the America-First patriots die off? Are there enough young Americans who haven’t been brainwashed by Leftist, communist propaganda to save the country? That has long been my major worry for the country, and I’m not optimistic. Just look at who millennials usually vote for now.
IF enough patriots remain, then a secession event is possible. It won’t happen if Biden wins this year, or probably even after 2028, but—given enough God-fearing Americans left in the country—it could happen within the next 20 to 30 years. These movements take time to build, and there is little to no discussion currently of it happening. It will be interesting to see if any serious secession talk starts slowly arising (a “national divorce”) in the next four years (if Biden wins this year). Interestingly, MTG and Vivek have both mentioned it in the past two years, but nobody is there yet.
Secession would lead to another “civil war,” probably lining up similarly to the last one, mostly northern states versus southern states, with the western states choosing sides based on perceived benefits. The Deep State cannot allow secession, because those who seceded would be the people who work hard and pay most of the taxes; where would the feds get their revenue? The Democrats would be left with the flotsam and jetsam of society, and they live off the government, they don’t pay taxes. So, a war would be inevitable because the Leftist government would need our money. It would be a bloody war because the Left is full of hate towards any who refuse to submit to them, and would have no compunction about killing however many necessary for victory. (Reference Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and other Leftists of the past 100 years.) Ruthlessness might carry the day.
If decent Americans do decide to hang in and try to save the country via democratic processes, and no secession movement or internecine war emerges, a 2024 Biden victory would still make the salvation of traditional America less probable. Biden will bring in countless more illegals, and the country would be further Balkanized. This would require an even stronger government to hold the nation together—the totalitarian government the Democrats dream about now. What I actually expect to happen, though I don’t think I’ll live to see it, is a massive North American union monstrosity.
The Left will start harping on how the United States “stole” land from Mexico and should give it back. So, there will be a union between America and Mexico, and the Central American countries will be invited to join. Spanish will become America’s official language, as Biden recently said. Canada will probably accede to the inevitable and join as well.
This “North American Union” is, frankly, what I expect to eventually happen. Our cities, and in one sense, our country will remain. The Roman Empire fell, but Rome persists, though only as a shell of its former greatness, of course. The British Empire no longer exists, either, but England lingers as a third-rate power—barely, and perhaps not for long, at least not in any traditional, historically-recognizable form because mass immigration is destroying the UK, too. Washington, D.C. or perhaps Mexico City would be the seat of a North American government, but would rule the world’s largest banana republic. A lot of people are going to die as this banana republic progresses, and not from natural causes.
I’m not a prophet, of course, but those are the trends I see. One thing I’m sure of, though, is nothing good for America can come from a Biden victory in November.
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